JMC Fundamental Skills Survey - Yamaha - Malaysia

JMC Fundamental Skills Survey


10 minutes

Students are required to sing one of the songs included in `PRIMARY' chosen from Lyric Singing or the Repertoire pieces, with the lyrics or by note names 'Do, Re, Mi’.


- The student sings the chosen piece with the class teacher’s accompaniment.

  • Note:
  • Only the first verse is acceptable in the case of Lyric Singing song.

Students are required to sing or play the notes that the examiner and class teacher plays on the piano, to confirm the student's listening ability.

A) Melody By ear Singing

One of the pieces, from 'PRIMARY 3' or 'PRIMARY 4' in the keys of C major, G major, F major, D minor, that students have learned as Memory Singing in the original key


- The examiner plays the phrase and after the examiner’s cue, the student sings the melody by ear, while the examiner plays the accompaniment.

B) Harmony By ear Playing or By ear Singing

One exercise with three connected chords of I and V7 in the keys of C major, G major, F major, and D minor


- The examiner confirms in advance whether the student wishes to sing or play.

- The examiner plays three chords.

- Then the student plays or sings the chords by ear after the examiner’s cue.

  • Note:
  • The student can play either with the left hand or the right hand.

The student is required to play two Repertoire pieces selected from the pieces in "Primary 3", "Primary 4", "Workbook 3" and "Workbook 4", The student may choose the Piano or Electone to play them.

Students are required to sing at sight with the pitch or read at sight a few bars from the score of the pieces the student played for Free Selection to assess the student's Reading ability.


- The examiner shows the passages of about 2 bars from the score of the pieces.

- The students sing at sight or read the notes without a pitch.

Students are required to play the accompaniment to the melody "The Dove" in "Primary 4".


- The class teacher plays the melody once.

- Then, the student plays the accompaniment with the left hand to the melody played with the right hand.