News & Events

Chakor Sound Makes Waves In India With Yamaha RIVAGE PM7

Based in Mumbai, India, Chakor Sound is committed to providing the best equipment and service for the demanding needs of a diverse range of events. The company’s recent investment in a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system has highlighted its determination to keep delivering the ultimate in production values.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM Digital Mixing Systems Chosen By Gabisom For Rock In Rio 2019

Every year Rock In Rio attracts the cream of the world’s international rock acts, performing alongside artists from Latin America, Spain and Portugal. The 2019 event saw the festival held over seven days at Rio de Janeiro’s Barra Olympic Park, attracting an audience of 100,000 each day. Yamaha digital mixing systems were used on five stages, with RIVAGE PM systems used for the first time.

Rockin’ 1000 That’s Live Grows Again With Yamaha RIVAGE PM series

Every October for the past five years, over a thousand musicians have gathered together in Italy to perform as the ‘biggest rock band in the world’. Yamaha digital mixing has featured each time, with a RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system making its debut in 2018. This year the event moved to Linate Airport, Milan, where a RIVAGE PM7 system was added for the first time.

History Meets Modernity as Prague Hosts Yamaha’s 2019 System Designers Conference

The past, present and future of professional sound recently met in the Czech Republic, as over 300 sound industry professionals from 40 countries headed for the capital Prague, host city for Yamaha’s annual System Designers Conference.

Derek Smalls: Stinkin’ Up The Great Indoors With Yamaha

Famed for his struggles with stage props, attempts to smuggle vegetables through airport security and a Big Bottom, former Spinal Tap bass guitarist Derek Smalls recently delighted fans by inviting them to ‘rock til you sit’ at Lukewarm Water Live, a one date tour of the US West Coast. Increasing age may have brought Derek a subtle change of hair colour but, with a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system on monitors, he delivered the full majesty of rock.

Yamaha QL1 Is The Compact Solution For RTV Drenthe’s New Outside Broadcast Van

The regional broadcasting industry is bigger than ever in Europe, with webcasting running alongside television and radio to provide content specifically aimed at local populations. High end facilities in a very compact footprint make Yamaha’s QL1 digital mixing console a great solution for local broadcasters, highlighted by a recent investment by the Netherlands’ RTV Drenthe.

Qualia Restaurant Improves Its Customer Experience with Yamaha and NEXO

Nestled in the heart of Mumbai’s upper class Lower Parel area, Qualia restaurant is one of the most popular fine dining locations in the city. Perfectly complementing the exceptional food and exquisite decor is a high quality Yamaha and NEXO audio system.

Yamaha Brings The Spirit Of Christmas Present To Italy

Although Lapland is a long journey from central Italy, Italian families can visit Santa Claus much closer to home. Il Regno di Babbo Natale (the Kingdom of Santa Claus) is located in Vetralla, just 50km from Rome, and this year a new Yamaha audio system is ensuring that visitors enjoy the best festive atmosphere.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM Mixing Consoles Shine for Thunder Audio at Detroit Jazz Festival

Thunder Audio Inc., now in its 40th year of business, is one of the largest audio production companies in the U.S., handling a diverse annual workload of corporate events, national touring concert acts, local and national live productions and festivals. To handle the demanding and diverse needs of each event, the company has found its new audio mixing standard: the Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing console.

PFL Group Boosts Its Yamaha Inventory With New QL Consoles

Established 21 years ago, the PFL Group has grown to become one of the Benelux countries’ leading technical production businesses, servicing over 1500 projects annually with high quality sound, lighting, video and set productions. Constantly developing to meet the demands of its customers, PFL has just invested in more Yamaha digital mixing consoles.