News & Events

Yamaha’s commercial installation solution enhanced the immersive experience of Sky Portal at Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay is the world renowned nature park located in the central region of Singapore. It comprises three waterfront gardens - Bay South, Bay East and Bay Central. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Singapore that offers visitors a vibrant horticultural oasis of floral displays and lush greenery. At the Supertree Observatory located in Gardens by the Bay, IcebergX has recently launched a project called Sky Portal which provides an immersive experience for visitors.

Yamaha Nuage Marks A Sea Change For Nanouck Brassers

After 34 years as the trumpet and flugelhorn soloist for the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy, many people might want to take life a little more slowly. But Nanouck Brassers is busier than ever, working as a composer, arranger, producer, recording engineer and much more. Much of his work takes place in recently-completed home studio in Den Haag, where a Yamaha Nuage system and Steinberg Cubase make working on big recording projects fast and intuitive.

The Factory Manufactures A New Live Experience

The Factory Live is a new venue in the UK south coast town of Worthing, ideally placed to embrace the vibrant live music and dance scene of a catchment area which stretches around 50 miles from Brighton in the east to Chichester in the west. Already attracting much critical praise, its audio system of Yamaha DZR and DXS XLF loudspeakers is impressing audiences and artists alike with its punchy ‘hi-fi’ sound.

Effects Tech Refines the Art of Live Sound with Yamaha RIVAGE PM7

With over 18 years of experience in providing turnkey solutions for events, Effects Tech is one of India’s leading events production houses. The recent investment in a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system has ensured that the company’s customers can enjoy truly state-of-the-art audio productions.

Yamaha Speakers Are A Box Office Hit For Exclusive Indian Cinemas

Rajkot is an Indian city on the rise, with economic success driving a boom in real estate and infrastructure projects. Luxury apartment developments are demanding entertainment of a similar standard, with two recent high end projects including cinemas with Dolby® TrueHD and Atmos sound. Both trust Yamaha audio systems to deliver the ultimate in audio fidelity.

Yamaha Brings Cool Surround Sound To Ice Camp 2020

Between January and April every year, the Kitzsteinhorn ski resort in the Austrian alps creates Ice Camp, which celebrates the life cycle of nature by transforming the winter’s snowfall into an art and entertainment installation before it melts again in the spring. Ice Camp 2020 features a unique sound installation, aided by high quality Yamaha systems.

Yamaha Fuses Flavours of Style and Sound Quality at India’s Global Kitchen

Serving a contemporary interpretation of classic Indian and overseas dishes in a modern setting, 650 The Global Kitchen in Ahmedabad, India, prides itself on its impeccable customer service. To make sure that the ambience for diners is as good as the flavours of its food, the restaurant has installed a Yamaha audio system.

Yamaha Brings Stylish, Discreet Sound to San Matías

Located in Aluche, one of the most popular neighbourhoods in Madrid, San Matias serves a variety of beers and wines with high quality tapas and pinchos with authentic, traditional flavours. The restaurant has recently been renovated, including the installation of a new Yamaha background music system that matches the quality of its food and drink.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 Highlights Niavac’s Commitment to Excellence

Established over 60 years ago, Belfast-based Niavac has grown steadily to become one of Northern Ireland’s most successful systems integrators, covering the corporate, healthcare, hospitality and education sectors. The acquisition of audio company Loft Sound in 2016 expanded Niavac’s portfolio into the live event industry, a business which is proving every bit as successful. The company has invested in a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system to continue its commitment to high quality service and it has already been out on tour.

RIVAGE PM7 Is The Progressive Solution For Haken

Far from being an ‘uncool relic from the 1970s’, nowadays progressive rock has a sizeable following and is becoming more popular. There are a number of artists following the likes of Muse and Dream Theater into the mainstream, none more so than Haken - a multinational six-piece recently returned from a European tour mixed on a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system.