Yamaha Electone Festival 2015

The excitement of the Yamaha Electone Festival National Finals on 5 July was the success of the regional concerts held in six major cities - Klang Valley, Johor Bahru, Penang, Kuching, Sibu, Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan. Two hundred and sixty contestants performed in the regional concerts where outstanding performers at regional concerts were awarded the “Jury Awards”. 

This year, the JOM* Electone category is the only category in the Festival Section. This newly created category is to encourage more contestants to share the joy of playing the Electone with friends in an ensemble setting. (*”JOM” is a colloquial word for “Let’s Go”) At the National Finals, twenty contestants from Junior Kids, Primary, Teens and Senior Sections pitched their best performances for the coveted awards and to represent Malaysia at the Asia-Pacific level. 

Another highlight of the programme was the debut guest performances by three JOM Electone and a Yamaha Teachers Ensemble groups. The hustle and bustle from the teachers, students, parents and organizing committee led to an outstanding one thousand and two hundred audience size and a successful Electone concert.

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Mr Nobuhide Ito, Managing Director of Yamaha Music                                        Guest Performers - Collaboration V     
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and Ms Lau Poh Liew, General Manager of
Music Education & Corporate Service Division with the Malaysian
Representatives for the Asia-Pacific Electone Festival (APEF) 2015


               Guest Performers - Yamaha Teachers Ensemble