Kenan's Musical Journey with Yamaha Electone

Kenan's Musical Journey with Yamaha Electone


This was one of the most fantastic Yamaha Electone performance of the year. Featuring Yamaha students and guest appearance - Kenan Loui Widjaja (Kenan), 2008 Yamaha Electone Concurs Winner from Indonesia. 

This event was held from 7-10 June 2012 and he performed in 13 venues, spreading over 4 major cities (KL, Penang, Johor and Subang). 

Prior to the first performance in Subang Parade, Kenan also had an Electone Masterclass in Yamaha HQ's Festival where around 20 Yamaha Academy Students attended. In this Masterclass, Kenan shared his Electone learning experience and performance tips on Electone. 

In Penang, Johor and KL, he performed in Yamaha Music outlets as well as shopping malls. His splended performances left the audience spellbound. Judging by the audience responses, it was visibly obvious that he has captivated the hearts of many of his new-found Malaysian fans. 

Kenan's Electone journey in Malaysia was a memorable one and everyone was looking forward for him to come back!
